Volume 70,
Issue 4,
Volume 70, Issue 4, 2020
- New Taxa
- Proteobacteria
Marinobacter denitrificans sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment of southern Scott Coast, Antarctica
More LessA novel bacterium, designated JB02H27T, was isolated from marine sediment collected from the southern Scott Coast, Antarctica. Cells were Gram-stain-negative, facultatively anaerobic, polar-flagellated and motile rods. Growth occurred at 4–45 °C, at pH 7.0–9.0 and with 3–25 % (w/v) NaCl. Phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain JB02H27T consistently fell within the genus Marinobacter and formed a clade together with Marinobacter algicola DG893T (98.8 % similarity), Marinobacter confluentis KCTC 42705T (98.4 %), Marinobacter salarius R9SW1T (98.4%) and Marinobacter halotolerans CP12T (97.9 %), which were subsequently used as reference strains for comparisons of phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics. Average nucleotide identity values between strain JB02H27T and the four related type strains were 80.9, 76.6, 81.9 and 76.3 %, respectively. The major fatty acids were summed feature 3, C16 : 0, C18 : 1 ω9c and C16 : 0 N alcohol. The polar lipids included phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, and an unidentified phospholipid, aminolipid, aminophospholipid and glycolipids. The sole respiratory quinone was ubiquinone-9. The DNA G+C content was 56.9 mol%. Based on the genomic, phylogenetic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic analysis, we propose that strain JB02H27T represents a novel species of the genus Marinobacter , for which the name Marinobacter denitrificans sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is JB02H27T (=GDMCC 1.1528T=KCTC 62941T).
- Eukaryotic Micro-Organisms
Cryolevonia gen. nov. and Cryolevonia schafbergensis sp. nov., a cryophilic yeast from ancient permafrost and melted sea ice
A cryophilic basidiomycetous yeast unable to grow at 18 °C or higher temperatures was isolated from a subsurface permafrost layer collected in the Eastern Swiss Alps and from melted sea ice collected in the Artic at Frobisher Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Phylogenetic analyses employing combined sequences of the D1/D2 domain and ITS region indicated that the two new isolates belong to the family Camptobasidiaceae of the class Microbotryomycetes but are distantly related to any of the currently recognized species and genera. Consequently, the novel genus Cryolevonia, and the novel species Cryolevonia schafbergensis (type strain PYCC 8347T=CBS 16055T) are proposed to accommodate this cryophilic yeast. Although sparse hyphae and teliospore-like stuctures were observed upon prolonged incubation, a sexual cycle was not observed and therefore C. schafbergensis is documented solely from its asexual stage.
Two new scuticociliates from southern China: Uronema apomarinum sp. nov. and Homalogastra parasetosa sp. nov., with improved diagnoses of the genus Homalogastra and its type species Homalogastra setosa (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea)
More LessThe morphology of two new scuticociliates, Uronema apomarinum sp. nov. and Homalogastra parasetosa sp. nov., isolated from a mangrove wetland in Shenzhen, PR China, was studied using live observation and the protargol impregnation method. Uronema apomarinum is characterized by a body size of about 20–35×10–15 µm in vivo, a partly two-rowed membranelle 1, and 12 or 13 somatic kineties. Homalogastra parasetosa is distinguished by a membranelle 1 comprising two longitudinal rows of basal bodies. Three Homalogastra setosa populations are suggested as subjective synonyms of the new species. Improved diagnoses of the genus Homalogastra Kahl, 1926 and its type species Homalogastra setosa Kahl, 1926 are provided. Results of phylogenetic analyses based on 18S rRNA gene and ITS1-5.8S–ITS2 region sequences indicate that U. apomarinum is most closely related to U. marinum, while the closest relative of H. parasetosa is H. setosa.
Wickerhamiella verensis f.a. sp. nov., a novel yeast species isolated from subsoil groundwater contaminated with hydrocarbons and from a human infection
More LessYeast strains belonging to a novel anamorphic yeast species were isolated from subsoil groundwater contaminated with hydrocarbons in a metal working factory located in northern Spain, and from a human infection in the USA. Comparison of ITS sequences between the isolates revealed 0.2 % divergence between the Spanish isolates and 0.46 % divergence between those and the USA isolate. Phylogenetic analysis based on the D1/D2 domains of the LSU rRNA gene showed that these isolates belong to the Wickerhamiella clade with W. sorbophila and W. infanticola as their closest relatives. Sequence divergence between the new isolates and W. sorbophila and W. infanticola was 1.97 and 1.79 %, respectively. The isolates in the novel species are not fermentative and pseudohyphae were not produced. Sexual reproduction was not observed for individual isolates or in mixtures of isolates. Conjugation between the isolates in the novel species and close relatives W. sorbophila and W. infanticola was not observed. These data support the proposal of Wickerhamiella verensis as a novel species, with CECT 12028T as the holotype.
Wickerhamiella osmotolerans sp. nov. and Wickerhamiella tropicalis sp. nov., novel ascomycetous yeast in the family Wickerhamiellaceae
Seven yeast strains, DMKU VGT1-14T, DMKU VGT1-19T, DMKU-JMGT1-28, DMKU-JMGT1-32, DMKU VGT2-06, DMKU VGT2-19 and DMKU VGT6-14, were isolated from a grease trap in Thailand and two strains, SJ-1 and SN-102 were isolated from the sea surface microlayer in Taiwan. On the basis of phenotypic characteristics and sequence analysis of the D1/D2 region of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, these strains represented two novel yeast species of the genus Wickerhamiella. In terms of pairwise sequence similarity, four strains, DMKU VGT1-14, DMKU-JMGT1-32, DMKU VGT6-14 and SN-102, were closely related to Wickerhamiella infanticola NRRL Y-17858T but differed by 13 nucleotide substitutions with one gap (2.46 %) in the D1/D2 domain of the LSU rRNA gene and 15 nucleotide substitutions with 23 gaps (4.2 %) in the ITS region. The strains DMKU VGT1-19T, DMKU-JMGT1-28, DMKU VGT2-06, DMKU VGT2-19 and SJ-1, differed from the type strain of the most closely related species, Wickerhamiella sorbophila NRRL Y-7921T, by nine nucleotide substitutions with one gap (1.66 %) in the D1/D2 domain of the LSU rRNA gene and nine nucleotide substitutions with 17 gaps (2.52%) in the ITS region. Hence, the names Wickerhamiella osmotolerans sp. nov. and Wickerhamiella tropicalis sp. nov. are proposed to accommodate these species in the genus Wickerhamiella. The holotypes are W. osmotolerans DMKU VGT1-14T (ex-type strain TBRC 11425=PYCC 8359=CGMCC 2.6179; Mycobank number 833394) and W. tropicalis DMKU VGT1-19T (ex-type strain TBRC 11426=PYCC 8360=CGMCC 2.6180; Mycobank number 833393).
Morphological and molecular characterization of Orbilia pseudopolybrocha and O. tonghaiensis, two new species of Orbiliaceae from China
More LessThis study examined over 20 fungal specimens of the Orbiliaceae (Orbiliomycetes) from different regions in China. Our analyses based on morphological traits and the ITS rDNA sequences revealed two new Orbilia species with drechslerella-like asexual morphs. These new species are able to trap nematodes with constricting rings. In addition, Orbilia cf. orientalis is reported as a new cryptic Chinese variant of European collections of O. orientalis. All three species are described and illustrated in detail in this paper. Their phylogenetic relationships with other orbiliaceous species were identified based on their ITS sequences.
Zygotorulaspora cariocana sp. nov., a yeast species isolated from tree bark in Brazil
Six strains of a novel yeast species were isolated from tree bark collected in the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. Analyses of the sequences of D1/D2 domains of the large subunit rRNA gene showed that the strains belong to a species in the genus Zygotorulaspora. The species differed by 5.54 % sequence divergence (25 substitutions and five indels out of 542 bp) in the D1/D2 sequences from Zygotorulaspora mrakii, its closest relative. The ITS sequence of the type strain of the novel species differs by 27–69 nucleotide substitutions/indels from the other Zygotorulaspora species. The novel species is able to grow on trehalose, maltose, l-sorbose, inulin and at 37 °C, which are negative in Z. mrakii. The name Zygotorulaspora cariocana sp. nov. is proposed. The holotype of Z. cariocana sp. nov. is CBS 16118T. The MycoBank number is MB 833702.
- Taxonomic Note
Reclassification of Sphingomonas aeria as a later heterotypic synonym of Sphingomonas carotinifaciens based on whole-genome sequence analysis
More LessThe 16S rRNA gene sequences of Sphingomonas carotinifaciens L9-754T and Sphingomonas aeria B093034T possess 99.71 % sequence similarity. Further studies were undertaken to clarify the taxonomic assignments of these species. Whole-genome comparisons showed that S. aeria B093034Tand S. carotinifaciens L9-754T shared 96.9 % average nucleotide identity, 98.4 % average amino acid identity and 76.1 % digital DNA–DNA hybridization values. These values exceeded or approached the recommended species delineation threshold values. Furthermore, a phylogenetic tree based on 41 of the most conserved genes provided additional evidence that S. aeria B093034T and S. carotinifaciens L9-754T are very closely related. Based on this evidence we propose the reclassification of S. aeria Xue et al. 2018 as a later heterotypic synonym of S. carotinifaciens Madhaiyan et al. 2017.
Morphological redescriptions and neotypification of two poorly known tintinnine ciliates (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Tintinnina), with a phylogenetic investigation based on SSU rRNA gene sequences
More LessTwo poorly known tintinnine ciliates collected from the coastal waters of PR China, viz., Codonellopsis mobilis Wang, 1936 and Tintinnopsis chinglanensis Nie & Ch’eng, 1947, were redescribed and neotypified using live observation, protargol staining and SSU rRNA gene sequencing. Ciliature information and SSU rRNA gene sequence data of both species were revealed for the first time and improved diagnoses were given based on the original descriptions and data from the present study. Further phylogenetic analyses inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences and morphological data suggested that the genus Tintinnopsis is polyphyletic and that the genus Codonellopsis is non-monophyletic. The approximately unbiased test, however, does not reject the possibility that Codonellopsis is monophyletic.
- Evolution, Phylogeny and Biodiversity
Systematic review of descriptions of novel bacterial species: evaluation of the twenty-first century taxonomy through text mining
Although described bacterial species increased in the twenty-first century, they correspond to a tiny fraction of the actual number of species living on our planet. The volume of textual data of these descriptions constitutes valuable information for revealing trends that in turn could support strategies for improvement of bacterial taxonomy. In this study, a text mining approach was used to generate bibliometric data to verify the state-of-art of bacterial taxonomy. Around 9700 abstracts of bacterial classification containing the expression ‘sp. nov.’ and published between 2001 and 2018 were downloaded from PubMed and analysed. Most articles were from PR China and the Republic of Korea, and published in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. From about 10 800 species names detected, 93.33 % were considered valid according to the rules of the Bacterial Code, and they corresponded to 82.98 % of the total number of species validated between 2001 and 2018. Streptomyces , Bacillus and Paenibacillus each had more than 200 species described in the period. However, almost 40 % of all species were from the phylum Proteobacteria . Most bacteria were Gram-stain-negative, bacilli and isolated from soil. Thirteen species and one genus homonyms were found. With respect to methodologies of bacterial characterization, the use of terms related to 16S rRNA and polar lipids increased along these years, and terms related to genome metrics only began to appear from 2009 onward, although at a relatively lower frequency. Bacterial taxonomy is known as a conservative discipline, but it gradually changed in terms of players and practices. With the advent of the mandatory use of genomic analyses for species description, we are probably witnessing a turning point in the evolution of bacterial taxonomy.
- Methods
All ANIs are not created equal: implications for prokaryotic species boundaries and integration of ANIs into polyphasic taxonomy
More LessIn prokaryotic taxonomy, a set of criteria is commonly used to delineate species. These criteria are generally based on cohesion at the phylogenetic, phenotypic and genomic levels. One such criterion shown to have promise in the genomic era is average nucleotide identity (ANI), which provides an average measure of similarity across homologous regions shared by a pair of genomes. However, despite the popularity and relative ease of using this metric, ANI has undergone numerous refinements, with variations in genome fragmentation, homologue detection parameters and search algorithms. To test the robustness of a 95–96 % species cut-off range across all the commonly used ANI approaches, seven different methods were used to calculate ANI values for intra- and interspecies datasets representing three classes in the Proteobacteria . As a reference point, these methods were all compared to the widely used blast-based ANI (i.e. ANIb as implemented in JSpecies), and regression analyses were performed to investigate the correlation of these methods to ANIb with more than 130000 individual data points. From these analyses, it was clear that ANI methods did not provide consistent results regarding the conspecificity of isolates. Most of the methods investigated did not correlate perfectly with ANIb, particularly between 90 and 100% identity, which includes the proposed species boundary. There was also a difference in the correlation of methods for the different taxon sets. Our study thus suggests that the specific approach employed needs to be considered when ANI is used to delineate prokaryotic species. We furthermore suggest that one would first need to determine an appropriate cut-off value for a specific taxon set, based on the intraspecific diversity of that group, before conclusions on conspecificity of isolates can be made, and that the resulting species hypotheses be confirmed with analyses based on evolutionary history as part of the polyphasic approach to taxonomy.
- ICSP Matters
- Erratum
Erratum: When treated as heterotypic synonyms the names Caryophanaceae Peshkoff 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) and Caryophanales Peshkoff 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) have priority over the names Planococcaceae Krasil'nikov 1949 (Approved Lists 1980) and Bacillales Prévot 1953 (Approved Lists 1980) and Bacillales Prévot 1953 (Approved Lists 1980), respectively
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- Corrigendum
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Volume 75 (2025)
Volume 74 (2024)
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