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The diversity of mucin-degrading bacteria in the human intestine was investigated by combining culture and 16S rRNA-dependent approaches. A dominant bacterium, strain Muc, was isolated by dilution to extinction of faeces in anaerobic medium containing gastric mucin as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. A pure culture was obtained using the anaerobic soft agar technique. Strain Muc was a Gram-negative, strictly anaerobic, non-motile, non-spore-forming, oval-shaped bacterium that could grow singly and in pairs. When grown on mucin medium, cells produced a capsule and were found to aggregate. Strain Muc could grow on a limited number of sugars, including -acetylglucosamine, -acetylgalactosamine and glucose, but only when a protein source was provided and with a lower growth rate and final density than on mucin. The G+C content of DNA from strain Muc was 47·6 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the isolate was part of the division . The closest described relative of strain Muc was (92 % sequence similarity). Remarkably, the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain Muc showed 99 % similarity to three uncultured colonic bacteria. According to the data obtained in this work, strain Muc represents a novel bacterium belonging to a new genus in subdivision 1 of the ; the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain is Muc (=ATCC BAA-835=CIP 107961).


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