Volume 104,
Issue 12,
Volume 104, Issue 12, 2023
- ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profiles
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Jingchuvirales 2023
Jingchuvirales is an order of negative-sense RNA viruses with genomes of 9.1–15.3 kb that have been associated with arachnids, barnacles, crustaceans, insects, fish and reptiles in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. The jingchuviral genome has two to four open reading frames (ORFs) that encode a glycoprotein (GP), a nucleoprotein (NP), a large (L) protein containing an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) domain, and/or proteins of unknown function. Viruses in the order are only known from their genome sequences. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the order Jingchuvirales and on the families Aliusviridae, Chuviridae, Crepuscuviridae, Myriaviridae and Natareviridae, which are available at ictv.global/report/jingchuvirales, ictv.global/report/aliusviridae, ictv.global/report/chuviridae, ictv.global/report/crepuscuviridae, ictv.global/report/myriaviridae and ictv.global/report/natareviridae, respectively.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Discoviridae 2023
Discoviridae is a family of negative-sense RNA viruses with genomes of 6.2–9.7 kb that have been associated with fungi and stramenopiles. The discovirid genome consists of three monocistronic RNA segments with open reading frames (ORFs) that encode a nucleoprotein (NP), a nonstructural protein (Ns), and a large (L) protein containing an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) domain. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Discoviridae, which is available at ictv.global/report/discoviridae.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Cruliviridae 2023
Cruliviridae is a family of negative-sense RNA viruses with genomes of 10.8–11.5 kb that have been found in crustaceans. The crulivirid genome consists of three RNA segments with ORFs that encode a nucleoprotein (NP), a glycoprotein (GP), a large (L) protein containing an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) domain, and in some family members, a zinc-finger (Z) protein of unknown function. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Cruliviridae, which is available at ictv.global/report/cruliviridae.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Mypoviridae 2023
Mypoviridae is a family of negative-sense RNA viruses with genomes of about 16.0 kb that have been found in myriapods. The mypovirid genome consists of three monocistronic RNA segments that encode a nucleoprotein (NP), a glycoprotein (GP), and a large (L) protein containing an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) domain. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Mypoviridae, which is available at: ictv.global/report/mypoviridae.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Wupedeviridae 2023
Wupedeviridae is a family of negative-sense RNA viruses with genomes of about 20.5 kb that have been found in myriapods. The wupedevirid genome consists of three monocistronic RNA segments with open reading frames (ORFs) that encode a nucleoprotein (NP), a glycoprotein (GP), and a large (L) protein containing an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) domain. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Wupedeviridae, which is available at ictv.global/report/wupedeviridae.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Tulasviridae 2023
Tulasviridae is a family of ambisense RNA viruses with genomes of about 12.2 kb that have been found in fungi. The tulasvirid genome is nonsegmented and contains three open reading frames (ORFs) that encode a nucleoprotein (NP), a large (L) protein containing an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) domain, and a protein of unknown function (X). This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Tulasviridae, which is available at ictv.global/report/tulasviridae.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Leishbuviridae 2023
Leishbuviridae is a family of negative-sense RNA viruses with genomes of about 8.0 kb that have been found in protists. The leishbuvirid genome consists of three monocistronic RNA segments with open reading frames (ORFs) that encode a nucleoprotein (NP), a glycoprotein (GP), and a large (L) protein containing an RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) domain. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Leishbuviridae, which is available at ictv.global/report/leishbuviridae.
- Animal
- RNA Viruses
Lack of detection of SARS-CoV-2 in British wildlife 2020–21 and first description of a stoat (Mustela erminea) Minacovirus
Repeat spillover of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) into new hosts has highlighted the critical role of cross-species transmission of coronaviruses and establishment of new reservoirs of virus in pandemic and epizootic spread of coronaviruses. Species particularly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 spillover include Mustelidae (mink, ferrets and related animals), cricetid rodents (hamsters and related animals), felids (domestic cats and related animals) and white-tailed deer. These predispositions led us to screen British wildlife with sarbecovirus-specific quantitative PCR and pan coronavirus PCR assays for SARS-CoV-2 using samples collected during the human pandemic to establish if widespread spillover was occurring. Fourteen wildlife species (n=402) were tested, including: two red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 101 badgers (Meles meles), two wild American mink (Neogale vison), 41 pine marten (Martes martes), two weasels (Mustela nivalis), seven stoats (Mustela erminea), 108 water voles (Arvicola amphibius), 39 bank voles (Myodes glareolous), 10 field voles (Microtus agrestis), 15 wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), one common shrew (Sorex aranaeus), two pygmy shrews (Sorex minutus), two hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) and 75 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra). No cases of SARS-CoV-2 were detected in any animals, but a novel minacovirus related to mink and ferret alphacoronaviruses was detected in stoats recently introduced to the Orkney Islands. This group of viruses is of interest due to pathogenicity in ferrets. The impact of this virus on the health of stoat populations remains to be established.
A novel tamanavirus (Flaviviridae) of the European common frog (Rana temporaria) from the UK
Flavivirids are small, enveloped, positive-sense RNA viruses from the family Flaviviridae with genomes of ~9–13 kb. Metatranscriptomic analyses of metazoan organisms have revealed a diversity of flavivirus-like or flavivirid viral sequences in fish and marine invertebrate groups. However, no flavivirus-like virus has been identified in amphibians. To remedy this, we investigated the virome of the European common frog (Rana temporaria) in the UK, utilizing high-throughput sequencing at six catch locations. De novo assembly revealed a coding-complete virus contig of a novel flavivirid ~11.2 kb in length. The virus encodes a single ORF of 3456 aa and 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) of 227 and 666 nt, respectively. We named this virus Rana tamanavirus (RaTV), as BLASTp analysis of the polyprotein showed the closest relationships to Tamana bat virus (TABV) and Cyclopterus lumpus virus from Pteronotus parnellii and Cyclopterus lumpus, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of the RaTV polyprotein compared to Flavivirus and Flavivirus-like members indicated that RaTV was sufficiently divergent and basal to the vertebrate Tamanavirus clade. In addition to the Mitcham strain, partial but divergent RaTV, sharing 95.64–97.39 % pairwise nucleotide identity, were also obtained from the Poole and Deal samples, indicating that RaTV is widespread in UK frog samples. Bioinformatic analyses of predicted secondary structures in the 3′UTR of RaTV showed the presence of an exoribonuclease-resistant RNA (xrRNA) structure standard in flaviviruses and TABV. To examine this biochemically, we conducted an in vitro Xrn1 digestion assay showing that RaTV probably forms a functional Xrn1-resistant xrRNA.
Internalization of rabies virus glycoprotein differs between pathogenic and attenuated virus strains
More LessThe zoonotic rabies virus (RABV) is a non-segmented negative-sense RNA virus classified within the family Rhabdoviridae, and is the most common aetiological agent responsible for fatal rabies disease. The RABV glycoprotein (G) forms trimeric spikes that protrude from RABV virions and mediate virus attachment, entry and spread, and is a major determinant of RABV pathogenesis. A range of RABV strains exist that are highly pathogenic in part due to their ability to evade host immune detection. However, some strains are disease-attenuated and can be cleared by host defences. A detailed molecular understanding of how strain variation relates to pathogenesis is currently lacking. Here, we reveal key differences in the trafficking profiles of RABV-G proteins from the challenge virus standard strain (CVS-11) and a highly attenuated vaccine strain SAD-B19 (SAD). We show that CVS-G traffics to the cell surface and undergoes rapid internalization through both clathrin- and cholesterol-dependent endocytic pathways. In contrast, SAD-G remains resident at the plasma membrane and internalizes at a significantly slower rate. Through engineering hybrids of CVS-G and SAD-G, we show that the cytoplasmic tail of CVS-G is the key determinant of these different internalization profiles. Alanine scanning further revealed that mutation of Y497 in CVS-G (H497 in SAD-G) could reduce the rate of internalization to SAD-G levels. Together, these data reveal new phenotypic differences between CVS-G and SAD-G proteins that may contribute to altered in vivo pathogenicity.
Integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics analyses reveal metabolic responses to TGEV infection in porcine intestinal epithelial cells
More LessTransmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) is a coronavirus that infects piglets with severe diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration, and even death, causing huge economic losses to the pig industry. The underlying pathogenesis of TGEV infection and the effects of TGEV infection on host metabolites remain poorly understood. To investigate the critical metabolites and regulatory factors during TGEV infection in intestinal porcine epithelial cells (IPEC-J2), we performed metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses of TGEV-infected IPEC-J2 cells by LC/MS and RNA-seq techniques. A total of 87 differential metabolites and 489 differentially expressed genes were detected. A series of metabolites and candidate genes from glutathione metabolism and AMPK signalling pathway were examined through combined analysis of metabolome and transcriptome. We found glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPX3) is markedly reduced after TGEV infection, and a significant negative correlation between AMPK signalling pathway and TGEV infection. Exogenous addition of the AMPK activator COH-SR4 significantly downregulates stearoyl coenzyme A (SCD1) mRNA and inhibits TGEV replication; while exogenous GSK-690693 significantly promotes TGEV infection by inhibiting AMPK signalling pathway. In summary, our study provides insights into the key metabolites and regulators for TGEV infection from the metabolome and transcriptome perspective, which will offer promising antiviral metabolic and molecular targets and enrich the understanding of the existence of a similar mechanism in the host.
- DNA Viruses
Inhibition of human cytomegalovirus replication by interferon alpha can involve multiple anti-viral factors
The shortcomings of current direct-acting anti-viral therapy against human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) has led to interest in host-directed therapy. Here we re-examine the use of interferon proteins to inhibit HCMV replication utilizing both high and low passage strains of HCMV. Pre-treatment of cells with interferon alpha (IFNα) was required for robust and prolonged inhibition of both low and high passage HCMV strains, with no obvious toxicity, and was associated with an increased anti-viral state in HCMV-infected cells. Pre-treatment of cells with IFNα led to poor expression of HCMV immediate-early proteins from both high and low passage strains, which was associated with the presence of the anti-viral factor SUMO-PML. Inhibition of HCMV replication in the presence of IFNα involving ZAP proteins was HCMV strain-dependent, wherein a high passage HCMV strain was obviously restricted by ZAP and a low passage strain was not. This suggested that strain-specific combinations of anti-viral factors were involved in inhibition of HCMV replication in the presence of IFNα. Overall, this work further supports the development of strategies involving IFNα that may be useful to inhibit HCMV replication and highlights the complexity of the anti-viral response to HCMV in the presence of IFNα.
Equine dermatitis outbreak associated with parapoxvirus
Parapoxviruses (PPV) cause skin and mucous membrane lesions in several animal species, and of the five recognized PPVs, at least three are zoonotic. Equine PPV (EqPPV) is the sixth one initially described in humans in the United States and later in a severely sick horse in Finland in 2013–2015. In 2021–2022, a large-scale pustulo-vesicular pastern dermatitis outbreak occurred in horses all over Finland. This study aimed at analysing the outbreak, identifying and describing the causative agent, describing clinical signs, and searching for risk factors. EqPPV was identified as a probable causative agent and co-infections with several potentially pathogenic and zoonotic bacteria were observed. Histopathologically, suppurative and ulcerative dermatitis was diagnosed. Due to the lack of specific tests for this virus, we developed a novel diagnostic EqPPV-PCR with sensitivity of 10 copies/reaction. Based on a large proportion of the genome sequenced directly from clinical samples, very little variation was detected between the sequences of the case from 2013 and the cases from 2021 to 2022. Based on an epidemiological survey, the main risk factor for pastern dermatitis was having racehorses. Approximately one third of the horses at each affected stable got clinical dermatitis, manifesting as severe skin lesions. Skin lesions were also occasionally reported in humans, indicating potential zoonotic transmission. Case stables commonly reported attendance at race events before acquiring the disease. Survey also identified differences in practises between case and control stables. Taken together, these results enable a better preparedness, diagnostics, and guidelines for future outbreaks.
Volumes and issues
Volume 106 (2025)
Volume 105 (2024)
Volume 104 (2023)
Volume 103 (2022)
Volume 102 (2021)
Volume 101 (2020)
Volume 100 (2019)
Volume 99 (2018)
Volume 98 (2017)
Volume 97 (2016)
Volume 96 (2015)
Volume 95 (2014)
Volume 94 (2013)
Volume 93 (2012)
Volume 92 (2011)
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Volume 89 (2008)
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Volume 28 (1975)
Volume 27 (1975)
Volume 26 (1975)
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Volume 20 (1973)
Volume 19 (1973)
Volume 18 (1973)
Volume 17 (1972)
Volume 16 (1972)
Volume 15 (1972)
Volume 14 (1972)
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Volume 12 (1971)
Volume 11 (1971)
Volume 10 (1971)
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Volume 2 (1968)
Volume 1 (1967)
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