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Paul Duprex 
Center for Vaccine Research, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Jo Parish
University of Birmingham, UK

Reviews Editor

Nicolas Locker Pirbright Institute, UK


Heather E. Allison Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences, Department of Clinical Infection, Microbiology, and Immunology, University of Liverpool, UK

Bacteriophages, prophages, prophage- host control, viromics, regulation of bacteriophage genes.

Olivier Andreoletti Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, France

Prion disease, Prion like disease, pathogenesis, neurodegeneration.

Dalan Bailey The Pirbright Institute, UK

Negative sense RNA viruses, paramyxoviruses, orthopneumoviruses, SARS-CoV-2, innate immunity, viral entry and exit, virus host-range, emerging pathogens, zoonoses, One Health.

Benjamin Brennan University of Glasgow, UK

Negative strand RNA viruses, bunyaviruses, Phenuiviridae, emerging viruses, reverse genetics, tick-borne viral disease, arboviruses, vaccines.

Sharon Brookes School of Biosciences, University of Surrey. Board member for Moredun Research Institute and Mums in Science

Zoonotic and reverse zoonotic virology, one health, veterinary virology, animal models of human disease, cross species virus transmission and disease pathogenesis - mammalian and avian. 

Sarah Caddy Cornell University, USA

Rotaviruses, LCMV and influenza. We are especially interested in maternal and neonatal immunity of different species, and new vaccine developments.

Christine Goffinet Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK

HIV-1 infection and latency, alphavirus and SARS-CoV-2:host interaction, IFN-induced restriction factors, host cofactors, sensing, species-specific aspects of virus infection, cell-to-cell transmission

Andrew Macdonald University of Leeds, UK

Tumour virology, Oncogenic viruses; cell biology; virology; signalling

Matthew Reeves UCL, Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, London, UK

DNA viruses, herpes viruses, latency, epigenetic gene regulation, cell signalling, vaccination, anti-virals, innate and cell autonomous immunity.

Peter Revill Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Royal Melbourne Hospital, at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne, Australia 

Molecular virology of hepatitis B virus (HBV), contribution of different HBV genotypes and variants to the striking differences in natural history, disease progression and global treatment responses.

Blair Strang University of London, UK

Human cytomegalovirus, herpes, DNA replication, DNA polymerase, protein-protein interaction, kinase, phosphorylation, intracellular signalling, drug discovery/development, high-throughput screening (chemical and genetic), vertical transmission, placental infection.

Manli Wang Wuhan Institute of Virology, China

Bunyaviruses; SARS-CoV-2; Baculovirus; Virus-host interaction; Viral pathogenesis and antiviral research, insect viruses, Arboviruses.

Christiane Wobus University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Caliciviruses, enteric viruses, astroviruses, virus–host/virus–bacteria interactions.

Murilo Zerbini Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil

Geminivirus, begomovirus, variability, virus evolution, fitness, virus emergence, virus taxonomy.

Board of Reviewers

Evelien Adriaenssens Quadram Institute, UK

Bacteriophage, taxonomy, gut microbiome, viromics, viral community diversity, spread of pathogenic viruses.

Eduardo Bejarano University of Malaga – CSIC, Spain

Plant-virus interaction, DNA viruses.

Paul Britton The Pirbright Institute, UK

Nidoviruses, infectious bronchitis virus, positive sense RNA viruses.

Andrew Broadbent University of Maryland, USA

Molecular virology, double-stranded RNA viruses, segmented RNA viruses, viral pathogenesis, viral immunosuppression.

Chloe James University of Salford, UK

Bacteriophages, Prophages, Phage Therapy, Phage Ecology

Colin Crump University of Cambridge, UK

Virus–cell interactions, virus assembly and egress, herpesviruses, polyomaviruses.

Juan Fontana University of Leeds, UK

Structural characterisation of macromolecular assemblies, viruses that are a current public health risk (like HIV, Influenza, herpesviruses and bunyaviruses), using cryo-EM, combined with other structural approaches.

Caroline Goujon IRIM, France

Intrinsic immunity, innate immunity, interferon, restriction factors, HIV-1, influenza A virus, SARS-CoV-2, CRISPR screens.

Anthony Griffiths Boston University School of Medicine, MA, USA

BSL-4/CL4, high consequence pathogens, Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa virus, Nipah virus, vaccine, therapeutic, animal models, non-human primate.

Mark Harris University of Leeds, UK

RNA viruses, particularly positive strand.

Amy Hartman Center for Vaccine Research, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Negative strand RNA viruses, emerging viruses, bunyaviruses, filoviruses, arenaviruses, Rift Valley fever, Ebola, neurotropic viruses, blood brain barrier, CNS infections, vector borne viruses (arboviruses), zoonotic viruses, vertical transmission, foetal infections, placental infections, animal models (rodents, ferrets, livestock, monkeys), aerosol exposure, vaccines.

Theodora Hatziioannou The Rockefeller University, New York, USA

Retrovirology, HIV-1, restriction factors, animal models, virus entry.

Elisabeth Herniou Insect Biology Research Institute, UMR 7261, CNRS-Université de Tours, France

Insect viruses, phylogenetic, comparative genomics, viral diversity, Taxonomy, Baculoviridae, Polydnaviridae, Nudiviridae.

Edward Hutchinson University of Glasgow, UK

Influenza viruses, molecular biology, proteomics, RNA viruses.

Ryan Langlois University of Minnesota, USA

Antiviral immunity, influenza virus, virus host interactions, vaccination, virus transmission, virus evolution.

Sarah Londrigan University of Melbourne, Australia

Immunology, Viral Infectious Diseases, Bacterial and Parasitic Infections, Influenza

Chris McCormick University of Southampton, UK

Hepatitis C and related viruses, Norovirus, Hepacivirus, Flavivirus, Pestivirus, Pegivirus, Enterovirus.

Gerald McInerney Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Virus-host interactions, alphaviruses, stress granules.

Eng Eong Ooi Duke NUS Medical School, Singapore

Dengue, other flaviviruses, host–pathogen interaction, immunity.

Viviana Parreno Instituto de Virologia, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA), Argentina

Viral enteric pathogens: Rotavirus, coronavirus, norovirus; Viral vaccines for bovines and horses: development vaccines and lab animal models for vaccine potency testing.

Blanca Perez-Sepulveda University of Liverpool, UK

Bacteriophages, Prophages, Phage Genomics, Phage-Host Interactions, Phage Isolation & Characterisation

Marine Petit University of Surrey, UK

Understanding the tick-borne virus interactions with their tick vector at the cellular level. Using a system biology approach Marine's research aim to increase the understanding of tick immune response to viruses.

Andreas Pichlmair  Technical University of Munich, Germany

Antiviral innate immunity, virus-host interactions, mass spectrometry.

Nicola Rose NIBSC, UK

Flaviviruses, hepaciviruses, rotavirus, retroviruses, models of acute and chronic viral infection and disease; pathogenesis, protection, host genetics and susceptibility, viral hepatitis, viral vaccines, flaviviruses, in vivo model systems, pathogenesis.

Lee Sherry University of Glasgow, UK

Determining the structural and biological differences between vaccine, acute respiratory and virulent systemic strains of Feline Calicivirus using the following techniques: virus culture and purification for Cryo-EM analysis, virus rescue and titration, viral entry assays, immune blotting and fluorescence microscopy

Silke Stertz University of Zurich, Switzerland

Influenza virus entry, RNAi screens for host factors required for replication, antivirals for influenza, virus host interactions, restriction factors for influenza viruses (Mx, IFITM etc.), Orthomyxovirus, host.

Mark Wills University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke's Hospital, UK

Herpesviruses, immunevasion, immunology, latency, T cells, NK cells, cytomegalovirus.

Murilo Zerbini Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil

Ecology and evolution of plant DNA viruses, geminivirus, begomovirus, variability, virus evolution, fitness, virus emergence, virus taxonomy.

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