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Three gammaproteobacterial methanotrophic strains (73a, 175 and 114) were isolated from stems of rice plants. All strains are Gram-negative, motile and grow on methane or methanol as sole carbon sources. They oxidize methane using the particulate methane monooxygenase. Strains 114 and 175 possess additionally a soluble methane monooxygenase. All strains contain significant amounts of the cellular fatty acids C, Cω6 and Cω7, typical for type Ib methanotrophs. Characteristic for strains 114 and 175 are high amounts of C and Cω6c , while strain 73a contains high quantities of Cω5. 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses showed that strains 114 and 175 are most closely related to (≥99.6 % sequence identity). Strain 73a is representing a new genus within the family , most closely related to (94.3 % sequence identity). Phylogenetic analysis of the PmoA sequence indicates that strain 73a represents rice paddy cluster I (RPCI), which has almost exclusively been detected in rice ecosystems. The G+C content of strain 73a is 61.0 mol%, while strains 114 and 175 have a G+C content of 63.3 mol%. Strain 73a (=LMG 29185, =VKM B-2986) represents the type strain of a novel species and genus, for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed and a description is provided. Strains 175 (=LMG 28717, VKM B-2989) and 114 are members of the species . This genus was so far only represented by one isolate, so an amended description of the species is given.


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