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A Gram-positive, rod-shaped acid-fast bacterium was isolated from a patient with a post-traumatic chronic skin abscess associated with osteitis. Morphological analysis, 16S rRNA, , and gene sequence analysis, cell-wall fatty acid and mycolic acid composition analyses and biochemical tests showed that the isolate, designated ABO-M06, belonged to the genus . Its phenotype was unique and genetic and phylogenetic findings suggest that strain ABO-M06 represents a novel species within the group. The name sp. nov. is proposed for this novel species, with the type strain ABO-M06 (=CIP 109395=DSM 45070).


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vol. , part 2, pp. 486–490

HPLC profile of sp. nov. ABO-M06 compared with that of CIP 104534 , CIP 104941 and ATCC 49403 .

Phylogenetic tree based on a partial gene sequence, showing the relationship of ABO-M06 with the 14 most closely related species.

Phylogenetic tree based on a partial gene sequence, showing the relationship of ABO-M06 with the 14 most closely related species.

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