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A Gram-negative, coccobacillus-shaped, aerobic bacterium, designated strain UST040201-002, was isolated in February 2004 from seawater at the outlet of a sandfilter in Port Shelter, Hong Kong SAR, China. This strain possessed ubiquinone-8; its 16S rRNA gene sequence shared only 91 % similarity with the sequence from and 89–90 % similarity with sequences from , , and . 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the strain formed a distinct clade with . This subcluster formed a tight coherent group with members of the family and . Combined phylogenetic and physiological data suggest that strain UST040201-002 represents a novel genus and species within the order . The name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain is UST040201-002 (=JCM 14605=NRRL B-41860).


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