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A novel methanotroph, designated strain HT12, was isolated from forest soil in Japan. Cells of strain HT12 were Gram-reaction-negative, aerobic, non-motile, coccoid and formed pale-brown colonies. The strain grew only with methane and methanol as sole carbon and energy sources. Cells grew at 5–34 °C (optimum 24–32 °C). The strain possessed both particulate and soluble methane monooxygenases and assimilated formaldehyde using the ribulose monophosphate pathway. The major cellular fatty acids were C (46.9 %) and C (34.2 %), whereas unsaturated C fatty acids, typical of type I methanotrophs, were absent. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the most closely related strains were LC 2 (93.1 % sequence similarity) and SV96 (92.6 % similarity). Phylogenetic analysis based on the gene indicated that strain HT12 formed a distinct lineage within the type I methanotrophs and analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of strain HT12 showed that it had a 7 % divergence from that of its most closely related species. The DNA G+C content was 49.3 mol%. Based on this evidence, strain HT12 represents a novel species and genus of the family , for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of the type species is HT12 ( = NBRC 106162  = DSM 23269  = ATCC BAA-2070).

This study was supported by the:
  • Asahi Glass Foundation
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Award 22310046 and 22380052)

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