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A new species, , is described. This taxon is based upon 16 soil and root-associated strains that exhibit acetylene-reducing ability and nitrogen-fixing sp. strain Hino. . is phenotypically similar to and . However, 13 tests (nitrate reduction; production of acid and gas from xylose, arabinose, lactose, ribose, and glycerol; resistance to lysozyme; liquefaction of gelatin; starch hydrolysis; decomposition of casein and pectin; production of dihydroxyacetone; susceptibility to . phages) differentiate it from . , and 12 characteristics (spore position; Voges-Proskauer test; nitrate reduction; production of acid and gas from xylose, arabinose, lactose, ribose, and glycerol; growth at 45°C; hydrolysis of starch; decomposition of pectin; formation of crystalline dextrins) differentiate it from . . The guanine-plus-cytosine contents of five strains ranged from 47.9 to 52.5 mol%. All strains reduced acetylene much more efficiently than . or . . In four strains, nitrogen fixation was confirmed by micro-Kjeldahl analysis of acetylene-reducing cultures. Acetylene reduction was not inhibited by nitrate and was not dependent on yeast extract or thiamin plus biotin. The proposed type strain of . is strain P3L-5 (= ATCC 35681).


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