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The name was proposed in 1937 by Rahn to include many taxa which are now included in the family. Rahn’s proposal had several nomenclatural flaws, so with the retroactive application of the rules of 1948 , both Rahn 1937 and Rahn 1937 became illegitimate. However, since the name had become so widely used since 1937, the Judicial Commission voted to conserve it in 1958. Both the 1958 and 1975 Bacteriological Codes contained many statements that made a legitimate, conserved name and the only correct name for the family. After almost 20 years of universal acceptance, the name was challenged because it was the only family name not formed by adding “” to the stem of the name of the type genus as required by Rule 21a of the 1975 Bacteriological Code. On 3 September 1978, the Judicial Commission voted to conserve the name over even though the former name had never been published, had no description, was illegitimate, and had no standing in nomenclature. The arguments given to reject and its type genus are not supported by the principles and rules of the Bacteriological Code. The proposal has not received the support of those who work with the family. In 1975 the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology’s Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of voted 12 to 2 against any change, and in May 1980, the American Society for Microbiology’s Subcommittee on Gram-Negative Facultatively Anaerobic Rods voted 7 to 0 against any change. To maintain stability in nomenclature and prevent confusion in the literature, the conserved family name with its designated and conserved type genus should be maintained.


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