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Forty-one isolates of Bisgaard taxon 6 obtained from guinea pigs, pandas, pigs and muskrat and isolates of taxon 10 from horses and horse bites in humans were subjected phenotypic characterization. Production of acid from (−)-mannitol, (−)-sorbitol and (+)-glycogen separated taxon 10 (positive) from taxon 6 (negative), while from two to 11 phenotypic characteristics separated taxa 6 and 10 from the 32 genera of reported so far. Forty-four strains were genetically characterized. Sequencing of 16S rRNA genes documented a monophyletic relationship at the species level and the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity of 95.6 % to other species was found between strain CCUG 15568 and the type strain of (CCUG 38457). Digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) values predicted from whole genomic sequences between CCUG 15568 and other characterized strains of taxa 6 and 10 were 69.3–99.9 %. The average nucleotide identity values were higher than 95 % for all strains. The highest dDDH value of 29 % outside the taxa 6 and 10 group was obtained with the genome of the type strain of [] , indicating a separate taxonomic status at species level to taxa 6 and 10. The phylogenetic comparison of concatenated conserved protein sequences showed the unique position of the taxa investigated in the current study which qualified for the status of a new genus since the highest identity was found with with 79 %, well below the upper threshold between genera of 85 %. Based upon the low genetic similarity to other genera of the family and a unique phenotype, we suggest that Bisgaard taxa 6 and 10 should be classified as gen. nov., sp. nov. The G+C of the type strain of , 8.5 (=CCUG 15568=DSM 115565), is 46.2 mol%, calculated from the whole genome.

This study was supported by the:
  • Statens Jordbrugs- og Veterinærvidenskabelige Forskningsråd
    • Principle Award Recipient: NotApplicable

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