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A novel bacterial strain, CDC141, was isolated from sputum samples of a patient with pulmonary infection in Hainan Province, PR China. We performed a polyphasic study to assess the taxonomic position of the new species. Based on the results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, strain CDC141 belonged to the genus with the highest sequence similarity to NBRC 15556 (98.84 %) and s RB20 (98.54 %). The gene sequence-based phylogenetic and phylogenomic trees further showed that the novel strain was clustered in a distinct clade adjacent to DSM 44290. The DNA G+C content of strain CDC141 was 68.57 mol%. The genomic diversity analysis revealed low average nucleotide identity and DNA‒DNA hybridization values (<84.7 and <28.9 %, respectively) with its closest relative. Growth occurred at 20–40 °C, pH 6.0–9.0 and with NaCl concentrations of 0.5–2.5 % (w/v). The main fatty acids of strain CDC141 were C, C 10-methyl, TBSA, C 6/C 7, C 9, C, C iso I/anteiso B and C. The polar lipid profile was dominated by diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol mannoside, unidentified glycolipids, unidentified phospholipids and unidentified lipids. MK8 (H) and MK8 (H) were the major respiratory quinones. These characteristics were consistent with the typical chemotaxonomic properties of members of the genus . Based on the results of phenotypic and genetic analyses, strain CDC141 was identified as representing a new species of the genus , with the proposed name sp. nov. (CDC141=JCM 34955=GDMCC 4.207).

This study was supported by the:
  • Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of Shanxi Province (Award 82073624)
    • Principle Award Recipient: ZhenjunLi
  • the National Key R&D Program of China (Award 2019YFC1200601-6)
    • Principle Award Recipient: ZhenjunLi

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