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Two mycelium-forming actinobacterial strains, designated OS3-83 and OS3-89, were isolated from rhizosphere soil of a cactus () sampled on Mara Island, Jeju, Republic of Korea. Both of the isolates were found to grow at 20–37 °C, pH 6.0–10.0 and with 0–2 % (w/v) NaCl. Their taxonomic positions were investigated by a polyphasic approach. Strains OS3-83 and OS3-89 were most closely related to the type strain of (99.5 % and 98.9 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, respectively). Both of the isolates shared 99.2 % sequence similarity to each other. Morphological and chemotaxonomic characteristics supported the affiliation of the two isolates to the genus . 16S rRNA gene phylogeny exhibited that strain OS3-83 formed a tight cluster with , while strain OS3-89 occupied a position located remotely from . Nevertheless, phylogenomic analysis based on 92 core gene sequences showed that both of the isolates formed a tight clade with . The values of average nucleotide identity and digital DNA–DNA hybridization between strain OS3-83 and the closest relative, , were 92.2 and 46.2 %, respectively, whereas strain OS3-89 shared an average nucleotide identity value of 97.5 % and a digital DNA–DNA hybridization value of 76.9 % with . These results strongly suggested that strain OS3-83 (=KACC 19752=NBRC 114688) represents a novel species and strain OS3-89 (=KACC 19753=NBRC 114400) is a strain of . On the basis of the data obtained here, strain OS3-83 is considered to represent a new species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed.


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