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An anaerobic bacterial strain, designated strain M3/9, was isolated from a laboratory-scale biogas fermenter fed with maize silage supplemented with 5 % wheat straw. Cells were straight, non-motile rods, which stained Gram-negative. Optimal growth occurred between 30 and 40°C, at pH 7.5–8.5, and up to 3.9 % (w/v) NaCl was tolerated. When grown on peptone from casein and soymeal, strain M3/9 produced mainly acetic acid, ethanol, and isobutyric acid. The major cellular fatty acids of the novel strain were C and C DMA. The genome of strain M3/9 is 3757  330 bp in size with a G+C content of 38.45 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis allocated strain M3/9 within the family with DSM 6011 and DSM 14214 being the most closely related species sharing 57.86 and 56.99% average amino acid identity and 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of 91.58 and 91.26 %, respectively. Based on physiological, chemotaxonomic and genetic data, we propose the description of a novel species and genus gen. nov., sp. nov., represented by the type strain M3/9 (=DSM 100058=LMG 29527). In addition, an emended description of is provided.

This study was supported by the:
  • Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (Award 22017111)
    • Principle Award Recipient: MichaelKlocke
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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