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A Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped bacterial strain, designated SW123, was isolated from a deep-sea water sample collected from the Indian Ocean. Strain SW123 was strictly aerobic, catalase- and oxidase-positive. The predominant cellular fatty acids were iso-C, iso-C and summed feature 9 (comprising C-methyl or iso-C 9). Ubiquinone-8 was the sole respiratory quinone. The major polar lipids consisted of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. The genomic DNA G+C content was 49.4 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain SW123 was closely related to AIS (96.7 % sequence similarity), GBPy7 (96.3%), AK5 (96.0%) and F3105 (95.9%). Phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain SW123 represented a novel member of the genus , forming a distinct cluster with F3105. On the basis of phylogenetic inference and phenotypic characteristics, we propose that strain SW123 represents a novel species of the genus , with the name sp. nov. The type strain is SW123 (=CGMCC1.16169=KCTC 82234).

This study was supported by the:
  • China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (Award DY135-B2-02)
    • Principle Award Recipient: LeiSong
  • Key Technologies Research and Development Program (Award 2018YFC0310703)
    • Principle Award Recipient: YingHuang

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