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Three bacterial strains, named hOe-66T, hOe-124 and hOe-125, were isolated from the haemolymph of different specimens of the flat oyster Ostrea edulis collected in Concarneau bay (Finistère, France). These strains were characterized by a polyphasic approach, including (i) whole genome analyses with 16S rRNA gene sequence alignment and pangenome analysis, determination of the G+C content, average nucleotide identity (ANI), and in silico DNA–DNA hybridization (isDDH), and (ii) fatty acid methyl ester and other phenotypic analyses. Strains hOe-66T, hOe-124 and hOe-125 were closely related to both type strains Pseudoalteromonas rhizosphaerae RA15T and Pseudoalteromonas neustonica PAMC 28425T with less than 93.3% ANI and 52.3% isDDH values. Regarding their phenotypic traits, the three strains were Gram-negative, 1–2 µm rod-shaped, aerobic, motile and non-spore-forming bacteria. Cells grew optimally at 25 °C in 2.5% NaCl and at 7–8 pH. The most abundant fatty acids were summed feature 3 (C16:1 ω7c/C16:1 ω6c), C16:0 and C17:1 ω8c. The strains carried a genome average size of 4.64 Mb and a G+C content of 40.28 mol%. The genetic and phenotypic results suggested that strains hOe-66T, hOe-124 and hOe-125 belong to a new species of the genus Pseudoalteromonas . In this context, we propose the name Pseudoalteromonas ostreae sp. nov. The type strain is hOe-66T (=CECT 30303T=CIP 111911T).
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