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Two strains of Actinobacteria, designated CRXT-Y-14 and CRXT-G-22, were isolated from the healthy leaves and seeds, respectively, of a medicinal plant . Their taxonomic positions were determined using a polyphasic approach. Strain CRXT-Y-14 produced flexuous chains of smooth-surfaced spores. Strain CRXT-G-22 produced straight chains of smooth-surfaced spores. Their morphological features were consistent with the diagnostic characteristics of members of the genus . The results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses indicated two strains represented members of the genus . CRXT-Y-14 shared 99.3, 98.9, 98.8 % sequence similarities to NRRL B-24165, MA-4680 and JCM 4913, respectively. Whilst CRXT-G-22 exhibited highest similarity to ATCC 49003 (98.9 %). The results of phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the closest phylogenetic neighbours of strains CRXT-Y-14 and CRXT-G-22 were NRRL B-24165 and ATCC 49003, respectively. The phylogenomic analyses further confirmed the relative relationship between strain CRXT-G-22 and ATCC 49003, but indicated that CRXT-Y-14 could represent a novel species of the genus . However, the average nucleotide identity (ANI) and digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) values between CRXT-Y-14 and strain CRXT-G-22, between CRXT-Y-14 and NRRL B-24165, and between CRXT-G-22 and ATCC 49003 were 85.4 and 23.2 %, 85.8 and 23.9 % and 89.1 and 34.1 %, respectively, far below the 95~96 and 70 % cut-off points recommended for delineating species. Furthermore, these two novel isolates were distinctly differentiated from their relatives in the genus with respect to phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics. On the basis of these data, CRXT-Y-14 and CRXT-G-22 clearly represent two novel species within the genus , for which the names sp. nov. (type strain CRXT-Y-14 = MCCC 1K04966= JCM 34527) and sp. nov. (type CRXT-G-22 = MCCC 1K04979= JCM 34565) are proposed.

This study was supported by the:
  • education department of hunan province (Award 20A200)
    • Principle Award Recipient: GaoJian
  • key technologies research and development program (Award 2017YFE0117600)
    • Principle Award Recipient: XinkeTang

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