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Two marine bacterial strains, designated S2-4-21T and MT2-5-19, were isolated from two tidal flat sediments of cordgrass Spartina alterniflora and adjacent oyster culture field in Quanzhou bay, China, respectively. Both strains were Gram-staining-negative, rod-shaped, non-flagellated, non-motile, aerobic, had NaCl requirements, and contained carotenoid and flexirubin pigments. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity (99.8%), average nucleotide identity value (99.4%) and average amino acid identity (99.3%) between strain S2-4-21T and strain MT2-5-19 strongly supported that they belonged to a single species. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain S2-4-21T and strain MT2-5-19 formed a monophyletic branch affiliated to the family Flavobacteriaceae , sharing similarities of 94.6% with Euzebyella marina CY01T and E. saccharophila 7SM30T, and of 94.1 and 92.8% with E. algicola MEBiC 12267T and Pseudozobellia thermophile DSM 19858T, respectively. Phylogenomic analysis based on the whole genome sequences supported that the two strains formed a distinct monophyletic clade within Flavobacteriaceae members, which was phylogenetically different from the clades of Euzebyella and Pseudozobellia . The major respiratory quinone was menaquinone MK-6. The major fatty acids (>10%) consisted of C15 : 0 iso, C16 : 0, summed feature 9 (C17 : 1 iso ω9c/C16 : 0 10-methyl) and C17 : 0 iso 3-OH. The polar lipid profiles of strain S2-4-21T and strain MT2-5-19 are identical, including phosphatidylethanolamine, four unidentified aminolipids, and four unidentified lipids. The genomic size was 4.9–5.0 Mb with genomic DNA G+C content of 41.5 mol%. Based on the above characteristics, strains S2-4-21T and MT2-5-19 represented a novel species of a novel genus in the family Flavobacteriaceae . Thus, Pareuzebyella sediminis gen. nov. sp. nov. is proposed with type strain S2-4-21T (=MCCC 1K03818T=KCTC 72152T), and another strain MT2-5-19 (=KCTC 72539=MCCC 1K03874).