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During a study of yeast diversity in Azorean vineyards, four strains were isolated which were found to represent a novel yeast species based on the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (ITS1-5.8S–ITS2) and of the D1/D2 domain of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene, together with their physiological characteristics. An additional strain isolated from in Italy had identical D1/D2 sequences and very similar ITS regions (five nucleotide substitutions) to the Azorean strains. Phylogenetic analysis using sequences of the ITS region and D1/D2 domain showed that the five strains are closely related to , although with 56 nucleotide differences in the D2 domain. Intraspecies variation revealed between two and five nucleotide differences, considering the five strains of . Some phenotypic discrepancies support the separation of the new species from their closely related ones, such as the inability to grow at temperatures above 35 °C, to produce acetic acid and the capacity to assimilate starch. Neither conjugations nor ascospore formation were observed in any of the strains. The name f.a., sp. nov., is proposed to accommodate the above noted five strains (holotype, CBS 16465; MycoBank no., MB 835794).


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