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An actinomycete, strain D1, was isolated from a freshwater sediment sample collected from the San Pablo river in the La Risueña community, Santiago de Cuba province, Cuba. The strain was identified as a member of the genus by means of a polyphasic taxonomic study. It produced a light yellow non-fragmented substrate mycelium, a white well-developed aerial mycelium and straight to flexuous hyphae. No specific spore chains were observed. Strain D1 contained diaminopimelic acid, no diagnostic sugars, and MK-10(H), MK-10(H), MK-10 and MK-10(H) as predominant menaquinones, but not phosphatidylcholine as diagnostic polar lipid of the genus . The predominant fatty acids were iso-C, 10-methyl-C and anteiso-C. Strain D1 showed the highest degree of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to DSM 44143 (99.8 %), subsp. NBRC 13392 (99.8 %) and subsp. DSM 43111 (99.6 %). A genomic OrthoANIu value between D1 and subsp. DSM 43111 of 97.63 % and a dDDH value of 78.9 % indicated that strain D1 should be classified in . However, phenotypic characteristics distinguished strain D1 from its nearest neighbour taxon. On basis of these results we propose to classify strain D1 (=LMG 30468=CECT 30033) as a representative of a novel subspecies of the genus , for which the name subsp. subsp. nov. is proposed. In addition, the genomic distance between subsp. NBRC 13392 and subsp. DSM 43111 as determined through OrthoANIu (93.64 %) and dDDH (53.40 %), along with considerable phenotypic and chemotaxonomic differences reported in earlier studies, indicated that the classification of this taxon as Grund and Kroppenstedt 1990 is to be preferred over its classification as subsp. Evtushenko 2000.


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