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The International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes has formally made final decisions, taking into account the conclusions of the Judicial Commission, on three pending Requests for an Opinion, thereby allowing the corresponding Opinions to be issued. According to Opinion 100, the request for the recognition of strain A1-86 (=DSM 17629=NCIMB 14373) as the neotype strain of (Hauduroy 1937) Prévot 1938 (Approved Lists 1980) is denied, ruling that a neotype does not need to be designated for because strain VPI 0990 (=ATCC 33656=CIP 105953) is considered to be a duplicate isolate of the same strain as VPI 0989 (=ATCC 25578) and may serve as its nomenclatural type. Opinion 101 approves the request that strain ATCC 25946 (=DSM 14877) serves as the type strain of instead of strain ATCC 25944, formally correcting the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. Opinion 102 concludes that strain Cc m8 (=DSM 14697=CIP 109128=JCM 12621) is an established neotype strain for the species , replacing the designated type strain Windsor M271, and that strain Mx s8 (=DSM 14675=JCM 12634) is an established neotype strain for the species , replacing the designated type strain Windsor M78, with some additional considerations about the nature of the type material replaced and about the name () .


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