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Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences of the genus showed the presence of six distinguishable clusters, with 100 % sequence similarity values among strains in each cluster; thus they shared almost the same evolutionary distance. This result corroborated well with the outcome of core gene (orthologous gene clusters) based genome phylogeny analysis of 190 genomes including the species in those six clusters. These preeminent results led to an investigation of genome-based indices such as digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH), average nucleotide identity (ANI) and average amino acid identity (AAI) for the strains in those six clusters. Certain strains recorded genomic indices well above the threshold values (70 %, 95–96 % and >95 % for dDDH, ANI and AAI, respectively) determined for species affiliation, suggesting only one type strain belongs to described species and the other(s) may need to be reduced in taxa to a later heterotypic synonym. To conclude, the results of comprehensive analyses based on phylogenetic and genomic indices suggest that the following six reclassifications are proposed: as a later heterotypic synonym of ; as a later heterotypic synonym of ; as a later heterotypic synonym of ; as a later heterotypic synonym of ; as a later heterotypic synonym of ; and as a later heterotypic synonym of .


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