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, and are phenotypically and genotypically closely related, and together comprise the group. In this study, the taxonomic relationships among , and were re-evaluated by using polyphasic approaches. The similarity values of the concatenated housekeeping gene (, and ) sequences shared by the type strains of , and ranged from 98.3 to 99.4 %. The average nucleotide identity, average amino acid identity and digital DNA‒DNA hybridization values among these three taxa were greater (97.1‒98.1 %, 96.8‒98.1 % and 75.0‒83.5 %, respectively) than the thresholds for bacterial species delineation, indicating that they belong to the same species, whereas those for were clearly lower than the thresholds. In addition, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characterization results also support the synonymy of these three taxa. Therefore, we propose that and should be reclassified as later heterotypic synonyms of .


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