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A facultatively anaerobic, Gram-stain-positive bacterium, designated ETRF1, was found in faecal material of a timber rattlesnake (). Based on a comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolate was assigned to the genus . The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain ETRF1 showed >97 % similarity to that of the type strains of , , , , , , , , , , and The organism could be distinguished from these 12 phylogenetically related enterococci using conventional biochemical testing, the Rapid ID32 Strep system, comparative and gene sequence analysis, and comparative whole genome sequence analysis. The estimated DNA–DNA hybridization values were <70 %, and average nucleotide identity values were <96 %, when compared to these 12 species, further validating that ETRF1 represents a unique species within the genus . On the basis of these analyses, strain ETRF1 (=CCUG 65857=LMG 28312) is proposed as the type strain of a novel species, sp. nov.


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