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A Gram-stain-negative, nutritionally fastidious bacterium (PLS229) causing pear leaf scorch was identified in Taiwan and previously grouped into . Yet, significant variations between PLS229 and were noted. In this study, PLS229 was evaluated phenotypically and genotypically against representative strains of , including strains of the currently known subspecies of , subsp. and ‘ ’. Because of the difficulty of culture characterization, emphases were made to utilize the available whole-genome sequence information. The average nucleotide identity (ANI) values, an alternative for DNA–DNA hybridization relatedness, between PLS229 and were 83.4–83.9 %, significantly lower than the bacterial species threshold of 95 %. In contrast, sequence similarity of 16S rRNA genes was greater than 98 %, higher than the 97 % threshold to justify if two bacterial strains belong to different species. The uniqueness of PLS229 was also evident by observing only about 87 % similarity in the sequence of the 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) between PLS229 and strains of , discovering significant single nucleotide polymorphisms at 18 randomly selected housekeeping gene loci, observing a distinct fatty acid profile for PLS229 compared with , and PLS229 having different observable phenotypes, such as different susceptibility to antibiotics. A phylogenetic tree derived from 16S rRNA gene sequences showed a distinct PLS229 phyletic lineage positioning it between and members of the genus . On the basis of these data, a novel species, sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is PLS229 (=BCRC 80915=JCM 31187).


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