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An endophytic strain (designated as SYPF 7195) was isolated from a branch of a ginkgo tree in Liaoning province of China. Strain SYPF 7195 was characterized by its grey to greyish-green aerial mycelium, velvety to floccose surface and swelling near the septa. Phylogenetic analyses, which were inferred from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and partial sequences of the LSU and SSU of the rDNA and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1), showed that strain SYPF 7195 belonged to the genus , and was distinct from all other species with high bootstrap-supported values (92 %). Strain SYPF 7195 constitutes a separate evolutionary clade with and , with as its closest phylogenetic neighbour. The nucleotide differences between strain SYPF 7195 and were 71 substitutions in the ITS region. Strain SYPF 7195could also be distinguished from by a number of physiological characteristics. Combined with morphology and molecular analyses, strain SYPF 7195 merits recognition as a representative of a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CBS 140953 (=CGMCC 3.17865=SYPF 7195). The Mycobank number is MB 816567.


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