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Thirty-five isolates obtained from a marine electroactive biofilm grown on a stainless steel cathode (Genoa, Italy) were investigated by a polyphasic taxonomic approach. Whole-cell fatty acid methyl ester analysis indicated that the isolates belonged to the class and were closely related or belonging to the genus . Genomic fingerprinting using the BOX-PCR primer delineated five clusters of isolates with similar BOX-PCR fingerprints. This study demonstrated that isolates from four of the BOX-PCR clusters belonged to and that the 14 isolates representing BOX-PCR cluster 1 constituted a novel species, which shared 98.4 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with its nearest phylogenetic neighbour, . Both phenotypic and genotypic analyses enabled this novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed, to be differentiated from established species of the genus . The DNA G+C content of sp. nov. is 44.5 mol% and the type strain is LMG 24078 (=CCUG 55340).


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Electron micrographs of cells of sp. nov. [ PDF] 699 KB


Summary of the DNA G+C contents (mol%) of the strains investigated and the DNA-DNA hybridization values (%). [ PDF] 34 KB

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