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A taxonomic study was made of the genus . The species in the genus were divided into three subclusters by phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences. The three subclusters were the subcluster (comprising , , , , , , , and ), the subcluster (, , and ) and the subcluster (). Phylogenetic trees based on the sequences of the 16S–23S rRNA gene intergenic spacer region, the gene or the gene indicated a good correlation with the phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The species in the subcluster were morphologically distinguishable from the species in the subcluster and as species in the subcluster had rod-shaped cells. In addition, the four species in the subcluster needed an electron acceptor for the dissimilation of -glucose and produced acetic acid from -glucose rather than ethanol. On the basis of evidence presented in this study, it is proposed that the four species in the subcluster, , , and , should be transferred to a novel genus, gen. nov., as s comb. nov. (type strain D-24=LMG 22556=CCUG 49949), comb. nov. (type strain FS-1=DSM 13613=JCM 12225), comb. nov. (type strain IFO 3516=DSM 20349=JCM 1119=NRIC 1058) and comb. nov. (type strain LC-51=DSM 15468=CECT 5759). The type species of the genus is gen. nov., comb. nov.. No significant physiological and biochemical differences were found between the species in the subcluster and in the present study and thus remains as a member of the genus .


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vol. , part 9, pp. 2195 - 2205

Phylogenetic relationship of the genera , gen. nov. and related taxa based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences using the maximum-likelihood method.

Phylogenetic relationship of the genera , gen. nov. and related taxa based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences using the maximum-parsimony method.

Growth curves for species in the genera and gen. nov. in GYP broth, FYP broth and FGYP broth.

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