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Two 4-chlorophenol-degrading bacteria, strains 4C1-a and 4C1-b, were isolated from sewage flowing into Geumho River near the Daegu industrial complex in Korea. Cells of the strains were Gram-positive and non-motile, displayed a rod–coccus life cycle and formed creamy white colonies on R2A agar or peptone-carbohydrate agar. The strains had chemotaxonomic markers that were consistent with classification in the genus , i.e. MK-9(H) as the major menaquinone, iso- and anteiso-branched components as the predominant fatty acids, galactose, glucose and rhamnose as cell-wall sugars, peptidoglycan-type A3, and DNA G+C content of 63.5–64.4 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis, based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, showed that the strains were most similar to DSM 12829, DSM 20119 and JCM 12642 (with 98.4, 97.8 and 97.8 % similarity, respectively) and formed a separate lineage with in the genus . Combined phenotypic data and DNA–DNA hybridization data supported the conclusion that strains 4C1-a and 4C1-b represent a novel species in the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is 4C1-a (=KCTC 19209=DSM 18782).

Keyword(s): 4-CP, 4-chlorophenol

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vol. , part 8, pp. 1916 - 1921

Extended neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showing the positions of strains 4C1-a and 4C1-b ( sp. nov.) and recognized species. [PDF](22 KB)

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