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sp. nov. is described as a novel yeast species in the family Dipodascaceae to accommodate an isolate recovered from sediments collected on the deep-sea floor in the north-western Pacific Ocean. In the clade comprising the genera , and , this is the only species that forms asci that bear four ascospores. The ascospore is surrounded by an irregular exosporium wall, similar to what is observed in the genus , but they are released by rupture, which is characteristic of and not . is remarkably divergent (>10 % difference) in its D1/D2 26S rDNA sequence from any other known species. Although maximum-likelihood analysis of combined 18S rDNA and D1/D2 26S rDNA sequences cannot elucidate a reliable position for this species, it was placed among , , and , which also have morphological and physiological affinity with the species. The species is homothallic. The type strain of sp. nov. is strain SY-277 (=NBRC 103136 =CBS 10071).


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