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A bacterial strain isolated from sewage sludge compost, strain SC-083, was characterized. The isolate was a motile, Gram-positive, short rod, forming coryneform V-shaped cells during the early stages of growth. The organism was strictly aerobic and able to grow between 22 and 36 °C and between pH 5.5 and 8.0. The predominant fatty acids were cyclohexyl-C, anteiso-C and iso-C, the major respiratory quinones were menaquinone 11 (MK-11) and 12 (MK-12), and the genomic DNA G+C content was 68 mol%. The peptidoglycan contained the diagnostic diamino acids ornithine and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid and was of acetyl type. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that this isolate belongs to the family with the type strains of the species (96 % gene sequence similarity), (96 %), (95 %), (95 %), (95 %) and (95 %) among the closest phylogenetic neighbours. The phylogenetic analysis and phenetic characteristics support the proposal of a new genus and a novel species, with the name gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of is SC-083 (=DSM 18994 =CCUG 54538 =LMG 23996).


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