
A Gram-negative, chemoheterotrophic, facultatively anaerobic coccus, designated IMCC1545, was isolated from the digestive tract of a marine clamworm, , inhabiting a tidal flat of the Yellow Sea. Cells of strain IMCC1545 are non-motile, dividing by binary fission. The predominant fatty acids are anteiso-C and C. The respiratory quinone is menaquinone-7 and the DNA G+C content is 52.1 mol%. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences using three treeing algorithms revealed that the strain formed a novel genus-level lineage within the phylum ‘’. The most closely related named organisms to strain IMCC1545 are ‘’ SI-1234 (86.5 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity), ADT3 (81.8 %) and PB90-1 (80.3 %), which belong to subdivision 4 of the ‘’. Subdivision 4 of the ‘’ (here named classis nov.) was divided into two clades, a clade containing strain IMCC1545 and a clade containing . From the taxonomic data obtained in this study, it is proposed that the new marine isolate be placed into a novel genus and species named gen. nov., sp. nov. (the type strain of is IMCC1545=KCCM 42343=NBRC 101964) within fam. nov and ord. nov in the class . The family fam. nov. and order ord. nov. are also formally proposed.


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