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Six strains of lactic acid bacteria were isolated in Japan from a composting distilled shochu residue. The six isolates grew poorly on MRS agar and slowly in MRS broth. The 16S rRNA gene sequences did not show high levels of similarity to those of the recognized species of lactic acid bacteria, and formed a subcluster within the cluster comprising obligately heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria closely related to . The levels of DNA–DNA relatedness revealed that the isolates belonged to the same taxon and were genetically separate from . Furthermore, various phenotypic characteristics such as the optimum pH for growth, malolactic fermentation and resistance to 10 % ethanol revealed that the isolates are distinguishable from . On the basis of their phylogenetic and phenotypic characteristics, the isolates represent a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NRIC 0645 (=JCM 13282=DSM 17330).


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