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Two actinomycete strains, TT2-10 and TT2-3, which produced long spore chains (more than 10 spores per chain), were isolated from peat swamp forest soil in Pattaloong Province, Thailand. Their taxonomic positions were determined using a polyphasic approach. The chemotaxonomic characteristics of these strains coincided with those of the family , i.e. cell-wall chemotype II, muramic acid of the -glycolyl type, whole-cell sugar pattern D and type II phospholipids. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences also indicated that these strains constitute a distinct lineage within the family , sharing 91.3–93.8 % sequence similarity with members of this family. On the basis of their phenotypic and genotypic characteristics and their phylogenetic position, these strains represent a novel genus and species, for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is strain TT2-10 (=JCM 12343=PCU 235=DSM 44816).


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