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DSM 43387, a clinical isolate from submandibular mycetoma tissue, is one of three plasmid-bearing strains of the genus . It degrades aromatic compounds such as -hydroxybenzoate, but does not produce any antibiotics, in contrast to NBRC 12806. Phylogenetic analysis based on a complete 16S rRNA gene sequence placed the strain in the clade of IMSNU 22139, distant from the clade of NBRC 12806. The strain showed low DNA–DNA hybridization values of 24·1 and 45·7 % with NBRC 12806 and DSM 44639 (=IMSNU 22139), respectively. It could also be readily distinguished from NBRC 12806 and all species with validly published names classified in the genus , by using a combination of chemical and physiological markers such as utilization of lactose, degradation of xanthine, hypoxanthine, gelatin and casein and hydrolysis of Tween 80, indicating that it represents a novel species. Strain DSM 43387 could also be differentiated from NBRC 12806 and its nearest neighbour IMSNU 22139 on the basis of fatty acid and phospholipid profiles. Based on genotypic and phenotypic differences, the name sp. nov. is proposed for strain DSM 43387 that was previously classified as . The type strain is AK 16/65 (=DSM 43387=ATCC 55165=IMRU 1389).


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