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The gene is ubiquitous in , and Eucarya and encodes the RNA component of RNase P, an endoribonuclease P that consists of one RNA and one protein subunit (C5). In this study, partial genes were sequenced from 39 type strains and 16 additional strains of the genus . Models of the putative secondary structures of the RNase P RNA in the genus are proposed and possible interactions between RNase P RNA and C5 are discussed. The phylogenetic relationships within the genus were examined and sequences indicated six main clades that together comprised 27 of the 39 species examined. The phylogenetic relationships were further inferred by analysing combined datasets of sequences from the , , 16S rRNA and genes. It is concluded that is suitable for use in phylogenetic studies of closely related species and that it exhibits the potential to discriminate between species.


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