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Two sporulating bacterial strains designated CECAP06 and CECAP16 were isolated from the rhizosphere of the legume in Argentina. Almost-complete 16S rRNA gene sequences identified the isolates as a species. It was most closely related to LMG 18439 (99·6 % sequence similarity), LMG 20987 (99·4 % sequence similarity) and DSM 13822 (97·7 % sequence similarity). The cells of this novel species were motile, sporulating, rod-shaped, Gram-positive and strictly aerobic. The predominant fatty acids were anteiso-C, C and iso-C. The DNA G+C content of strains CECAP06 and CECAP16 was 51·3 and 50·9 mol%, respectively. Growth was observed from many carbohydrates, but gas production was not observed from glucose. Catalase and oxidase activities were present. The isolates produced -galactosidase and hydrolysed aesculin. Gelatinase, caseinase and urease were not produced. The results of DNA–DNA hybridization showed that the strains from this study constitute a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CECAP06 (=LMG 21955=CECT 5831).


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