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Four staphylococcal isolates from clinical and necropsy specimens from a cat, a dog, a horse and a parrot () were found to constitute a distinct taxon. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that its closest phylogenetic relatives are and . Growth characteristics, biochemical features and DNA–DNA hybridizations demonstrated that the strains differ from these and other known species and that they represent a single, novel species for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The novel species is commonly confused with in routine diagnostic veterinary bacteriology. Although the strains described were isolated from lesions and show several characteristics typical of pathogenic staphylococci, such as coagulase, DNase and -haemolysin production, the pathogenic significance of the novel species remains unclear. The type strain, LMG 22219 (=ON 86=CCUG 49543), was isolated from lung tissue of a cat.


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