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Ten strains previously assigned to (=), LMG 1584 and eight reference strains of the genus were reclassified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, DNA–DNA similarity, DNA base composition and phenotypic characteristics. The strains and LMG 1584 were included in the cluster of acetic acid bacteria (family ) by 16S rRNA gene sequences. Further, they were separated into seven distinct groups by DNA–DNA similarity. DNA–DNA similarity group I was identified as . DNA–DNA similarity group II was retained as sp., because DNA–DNA similarity between the strain and LTH 4560 could not be determined. This was due to a lack of availability of the type strain from any source. DNA–DNA similarity group III was regarded as a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. (type strain, LMG 1582=NRIC 0614) is proposed. DNA–DNA similarity group IV included the type strains of and , and three strains. This group was identified as because high values of DNA–DNA similarity were obtained between the type strains and has priority over . DNA–DNA similarity group V was identified as . DNA–DNA similarity group VI was regarded as a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. (type strain, LMG 1536=NRIC 0616) is proposed. DNA–DNA similarity group VII was reclassified as . The description of is emended.


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