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Pectinolytic Gram-negative bacteria were isolated from different waterways in the UK and Finland. Three strains (174/2, 181/2 and Dw054) had the same 16S rRNA gene sequences which shared 99 % sequence similarity to species of the genus , and a phylogeny of related genera confirmed attribution to this genus. Fatty acid profile analysis of all three strains found a high proportion of Cω7/Cω7 and C fatty acids, and library profile searches found closest matches to . Production of a concatenated phylogeny using six loci, , , , , and , provided a high-resolution phylogeny which placed strains 174/2 and 181/2 as a distinct clade, separated from the other species of the genus by a relatively long branch-length. DNA–DNA hybridization analysis with a limited number of reference species also supported the distinctiveness of strains 174/2 and 181/2 within the genus . All three strains could be phenotypically distinguished from other species of the genus by fermentation of melibiose and raffinose but not -arabinose or mannitol. The name sp. nov. is proposed for the new taxon; the type strain is 174/2 ( = NCPPB 4580 = LMG 27354).

This study was supported by the:
  • Potato Council

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