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JCM 1494 was isolated in Japan in 1983, and the name was validly published in 1985. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that LMG 10732 ( = JCM 1494) is located within the genus , with LMG 8443 as its closest relative, showing 99.6 % 16S rRNA gene sequence identity. However, LMG 10732 and LMG 8443 can be distinguished by housekeeping gene sequence analysis, phenotypic characterization and DNA–DNA hybridization. is also genotypically and phenotypically different from the remaining species of the genus , and we therefore propose the reclassification of into the genus as comb. nov. (type strain LMG 10732  = JCM 1494  = ATCC 43045).

This study was supported by the:
  • JCYL

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