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A novel starch-degrading myxobacterium designated NOSO-4 (ew rganism of the strain 4) was isolated in 1995 from a soil sample containing plant residues, collected in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The novel bacterium shows typical myxobacterial characteristics such as Gram-negative, rod-shaped vegetative cells, swarming colonies, fruiting body-like aggregates and bacteriolytic activity. The strain is mesophilic, strictly aerobic and chemoheterotrophic. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, NOSO-4 shows highest similarity (96.2 %) with the unidentified bacterial strain O29 (accession no. FN554397), isolated from leek () rhizosphere, and to the myxobacteria (88.9 %) and (88.5 %). Major fatty acids are C 2-OH, Cω6 (arachidonic acid), and the straight-chain fatty acids C, C and C. The genomic DNA G+C content of the novel isolate is 66.8 mol%. It is proposed that strain NOSO-4 represents a novel species in a new genus, i.e. gen. nov., sp. nov., but also belongs to a new family, fam. nov. The type strain of the type species, sp. nov., is NOSO-4 ( = DSM 53668 = NCCB 100362).


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