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A group of pigmented, slowly growing mycobacteria identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing as ‘MCRO 33’ (GenBank accession no. AF152559) have been isolated from several clinical specimens in various laboratories across Canada. Genotypically, the organism is most closely related to . However, it presents with a similar phenotypic profile to . Several reference strains obtained from ATCC and TMC culture collections, previously identified as or , have also been found to possess the MCRO 33 16S rRNA gene sequence. Biochemical testing, susceptibility testing, HPLC, gene and 16S–23S spacer (ITS1) sequencing were performed on clinical and reference strains to characterize further this unique species. Of the clinical strains, one was isolated from a cervix biopsy whereas all other clinical isolates were obtained from respiratory samples. In one patient, symptoms, imaging and repeat clinical specimens positive on culture for this organism were suggestive of active clinical disease. The description of this species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed, follows the present trend of a large number of novel species identified due in great part to sequence-based methods. The type strain is HSC68 (=ATCC BAA-614=DSM 44648).


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