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Data on 72 non-pigmented bacterial strains that specifically induce nitrogen-fixing root nodules on the legume species , and are reviewed. By SDS-PAGE analysis of total protein patterns and by 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP, these strains form a homogeneous group that is separate from other legume root-nodule-forming bacteria. The 16S rRNA gene-based phylogeny indicates that these bacteria belong to the genus . They can grow on C compounds such as methanol, formate and formaldehyde but not methylamine as sole carbon source, and carry an gene, encoding methanol dehydrogenase, which supports their methylotrophic metabolism. Presence of a nodulation gene, and ability to nodulate plants of species and to fix nitrogen are features that separate the strains currently included in this group from other members of the genus . The present study includes additional genotypic and phenotypic characterization of this novel species, i.e. gene sequence, morphology, physiology, enzymic and carbon source assimilation tests and antibiotic resistance. The name sp. nov. (type strain, ORS 2060=CNCM I 2342=LMG 21967) is proposed for this group of root-nodule-forming bacteria.


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