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Farrand . [ (2003), 1681–1687] have presented a critique of the proposal of Young . [ (2001), 89–103] to revise the nomenclature and classification of . They argued that Young . (2001) are mistaken in their reclassification of all species within , and that the resulting nomenclatural revision is ‘unnecessary and unwarranted’. These objections arise because the authors appear not to understand the role of formal nomenclature, and fail to distinguish between formal and special-purpose nomenclatures (, 1990 Revision). The arguments set out by Farrand . (2003) can be addressed in terms of (1) the taxonomic status of the genera and ; (2) the status of species and biovars and their nomenclature; and (3) the role of transmissible genomic elements in classification and nomenclature. Finally, an attempt is made to unravel the confusion underpinning their discussion with a consideration of the relationship between formal and special-purpose nomenclatures.


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