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Five bacterial strains were isolated from a non-toxigenic strain of the marine dinoflagellate (Lebour) Balech CCMP 116 (NEPCC C116), during a survey of the diversity of bacteria associated with paralytic shellfish toxin-producing cultures of spp. (Dinophyta). All strains were strictly aerobic, Gram-negative, straight or curved rods. Cells were dimorphic, with stalks (or prosthecae) and non-motile or non-stalked and motile, by means of a single polar flagellum. The bacteria grew best at salt concentrations ranging from 2 to 10 % and growth occurred at 10 °C, but not at 50 °C. The G+C content of the chromosomal DNA of the strains was determined to be 61–62 mol%. Major cellular fatty acids of the bacteria presented a unique profile. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed the five strains to be related to genera of budding bacteria of marine origin in the ‘Alphaproteobacteria’, namely, , and , although they exhibited substantial differences in morphology, substrate utilization and fatty acid profile to members of these genera. The five strains are proposed to comprise a new species of a new genus, gen. nov., sp. nov., the type strain of which is C116-18 (=DSM 11625=NCIMB 13905).


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vol. , part 6, pp. 1901-1906

A selection of 16S rDNA sequence stretches and helices where the five strains of exhibit diagnostic differences from related genera (Table I) and characteristics useful for differentiating the genus from related genera (Table II) are available when you click here. (PDF format)

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