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Strain ALEN 2 was isolated from a mixed culture capable of complete autotrophic denitrification with thiosulfate as electron donor at pH 10; the mixed culture was enriched from sediment from Lake Fazda (Wadi Natrun, Egypt), a hypersaline alkaline lake. The isolate had large, non-motile, coccoid or barrel-shaped cells with intracellular sulfur globules. The bacterium was obligately chemolithoautotrophic. It grew with reduced sulfur compounds aerobically and anaerobically with nitrate as electron acceptor, nitrate being reduced to nitrite. It was moderately halophilic and obligately alkaliphilic. On the basis of genetic analysis and its unique phenotype, strain ALEN 2 (=DSM 14787=UNIQEM 213) is proposed as the type strain of a novel species of the genus , .


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