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A group of seven sucrose-negative strains (referred to as group Au) isolated from the internal organs of septicaemic farmed frogs () in Thailand was subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study including fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) and ERIC-PCR fingerprinting, 16S rDNA sequencing, microplate DNA–DNA hybridizations and extensive phenotypic characterization. Comparison of FAFLP and ERIC-PCR fingerprints indicated that the group Au isolates belonged to the species DNA hybridization group (HG) 1 in which they represent a genotypic subgroup closely affiliated to subsp. and subsp. . One representative of the Au group exhibited ⩾99·0 % 16S rDNA sequence similarity with the type strains of the two subspecies. DNA–DNA hybridization with type and reference strains of all known taxa revealed that the Au group represented a homogeneous taxon that exhibited the highest relatedness with members of the two subspecies, ranging from 75 to 93 %. Phenotypic characterization on the basis of 152 features further revealed that the Au group isolates differed from subsp. or subsp. in a total of 13 biochemical properties. Of these, assimilation of -glycine and isobutyrate as sole carbon source, acid production from salicin and -sucrose, and aesculin hydrolysis were of diagnostic value. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the frog isolates of the Au group represent a new subspecies of , for which the name subsp. subsp. nov. is proposed. Its type strain is Au-1D12 (=LMG 19707=CCUG 46211).


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