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Polyphasic genotypic analysis of 25 strains isolated from ores and ore concentrates collected in different regions of the world showed considerable strain heterogeneity. Restriction patterns of the chromosomal DNA of these strains obtained by PFGE were specific for each strain. According to the degree of DNA relatedness, 17 of the 23 strains studied were divided into four genomovars. Six independent, considerably divergent strains could not be assigned to any of the genomovars. A comparison of nearly complete nucleotide sequences of the 16S rDNA of five representatives of the genomovars (including the type strain of , ATCC 23270) with those of species of the genus available from GenBank showed that most of the strains, together with the type strain and some other strains of the species , comprised a monophyletic cluster. Within this major cluster, strains fell into four phylogenetic groups that were equidistant from the phylogenetic group of strains. In general, the distribution of strains among the phylogenetic groups correlated with their distribution among the genomovars, except that the representatives of two different genomovars fell into one phylogenetic group. Thus, at least two levels of phylogenetic heterogeneity for have been found. The phylogenetic heterogeneity of strains, which are phenotypically indistinguishable, suggests the occurrence of microevolutionary processes in different econiches. This should be taken into account in the biohydrometallurgical applications of strains.


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