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Two novel thermophilic micro-organisms, designated YMO81 and YMO722, were isolated from a high-temperature compost (internal temperature >95 °C). The isolates were able to grow at 80 °C in a nutrient broth and in a synthetic medium. Cells were aerobic, Gram-negative rods (0.3×4.0 μm). Spore formation was not observed. Strain YMO81 grew at 83 °C and pH 6.9–8.9 and grew optimally at 78 °C and pH 7.5 with 2 % NaCl. For growth in a synthetic minimal medium at 70 °C, the vitamins biotin, folic acid and thiamine and the amino acids glutamine and methionine were essential for growth of both strains; at 80 °C, strain YMO81 also required histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, serine, tryptophan and valine. Cellular fatty acids of the isolates comprised mainly iso-C and anteiso-C. The DNA G+C contents of strains YMO81 and YMO722 were 70 and 64 mol%, respectively. When the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the isolates were compared with those of other bacteria, highest similarity was observed with LA5 (90 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). DNA–DNA relatedness between strain YMO722 and strain YMO81 was 55 %. -Aminopropylspermine was identified as a major polyamine, which suggested that the isolates were distinct from other related taxa. On the basis of phylogenetic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic analyses, we propose a new genus, gen. nov., and two novel species, the type species sp. nov., with type strain YMO81 (=ATCC BAA-1462 =JCM 14719 =DSM 45223), and sp. nov., with type strain YMO722 (=ATCC BAA-1461 =JCM 14720 =DSM 45224).


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